Londra posta kodu
Londra posta kodu

londra posta kodu

The official currency is the pound sterling (GBP  £). lgili bilgiye daha kolay ulaabilmek iin ayrca arama kutucuunu da kullanabilirsiniz. Her ile, ilçeye, mahalleye özgü olan posta kodu rakamlar, gönderim yaplacak ürünlerin tasnifi ve alc adresinin tespit edilmesi için kullanlr. Konya ve tm ile, belde, semt, kasaba, ky ve mahallelerine ait posta kodlarna aadaki tablodan ulaabilirsiniz. Anglicanism was established in England in 1534, when it was interrupted by relations with the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England was organized as an official religion. Kargoda posta kodu ne demek Posta kodu evrak, kargo, mektup gönderimi yaparken kullanlan 5 haneli rakama verilen isimdir. Dou Londra posta merkezinin kapanmasndan bu yana, postalar IG ve RM posta kodu alanlaryla birlikte.

londra posta kodu

Her ikisi de gelgit Thamesin kuzeyinde, N posta kodu bölgesini batda snrlar.

londra posta kodu

There is no official language but English dominates with 95%. E (Dou) posta kodu alan olarak da bilinen, Londra E posta kodu alanna, 2 bir parças olan Londra sonras kent çounun dou kapsayan Büyük Londra, ngiltere gibi Sewardstone, Essex. Legislative power is exercised by Parliament, composed of two chambers, the House of Lords and House of Commons. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The nationalities include four regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom as a state entity often known by the acceptable name Britain and the non-acceptable by the Scottish, the Welsh and the people of Northern Ireland, England. В случай че не можете да осъществите контакт по тел.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a state in northwest Europe, with an area of 242 900 kilometers and the total territory of the country is divided between the British Isles -the two large islands British Archipelagos- and numerous small islands near the British coast. Where possible, please contact the relevant department: Consular and Home IMO, and Social Office: Tel.

londra posta kodu

In case you are unable to reach the Consular Section by phone due to the large number of calls on the line, please send your consular inquiries to while remembering to include your full name and phone number so that we may call you back.Ĭonsular Section e-mail: Bulgarian holidays and local holidays Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in LondonĪll consular services by appointment only on applications by appointment only on Inquiries on Submitted Applications: (13.30-16.00)Ġ20 7581 3144, 020 7584 9400 and 0 20 7589 3763.

Londra posta kodu